WOW - What a wonderful community night at the Annual Community Challenge Sweepstakes Social on the M/S Mount Washington dockside at Weirs Beach on Sept. 13.
The 4th Annual Sweepstakes Social was a huge success and a lot of fun. Together the event raised $19,000 for the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction and funded the Annual $5K “Warren Bailey Community Service Scholarship.”
The event was held to help teams raise funds for the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction, with a goal of surpassing the $356,456 raised last year by the 2023 Challenge Teams.
Ten ticket purchasers received $15,000 in prizes, with a matching $15,000 going to the 2024 Challenge Team of their choice.
Congratulations to the winners and their Challenge Teams receiving “Match Cash!”
$500 Pammy Read Tagg Team
$500 Bob Glassett Fitness Edge Friends
$500 Karen Gagliardi Tagg Team
$500 Carol Barry Patrick’s Kings Corner
$1000 Jeff Beetle Patrick’s Kings Corner
$1000 Bill Finethy Patrick’s Kings Corner
$1000 Judy Kelliher Beetle Books
$2000 Willard Windsor The Rising Suns
$3000 Sarah Gray BodyCovers
$5000 Janell Hebert Barstool Bankers
Thank you to all of you who purchase tickets along with all the nonprofits that came out to say thank you to our funders!
The committee includes Jennifer Beetle, Andrea Morin, Holly Ruggieri, Allan Beetle, Kate Flaherty and Jennifer Kelley.
Sponsors of the event include Eastern Propane & Oil, Mount Washington Cruises, Lakes Region HVAC, Bank of Bew Hampshire, NH Trust, Daniels Electric, US Foods and Patrick’s Pub & Eatery.
Music was provided by Holycow DJ Jeff Lines and appetizers from the cruise ship.