I just received this letter from Big Brothers Big Sisters of NH about being a mentor and I wanted to share it with our community. Mentors are essential and can literally change a child's trajectory.
Dear Jenn,
It is hard to believe it is already August and before we know it, a new school year will be here. The new school year also brings the pilot launch of our newest program, Mentor 2.0 at Manchester West High School. Unlike our other programs, Mentor 2.0 specifically focuses on high school aged students and matches them 1-to-1 with a mentor from the business or trade community. This is the first time we are offering this program in the Granite State!
Mentor 2.0 is a technology-enhanced mentoring program that provides transformative support for low-income and first-generation high school students. Developed by NYC-based iMentor, the program maintains the fundamentals of Big Brothers Big Sister’s quality youth mentoring which includes one-to-one relationships, professional match support and youth and volunteer safety provisions while incorporating technology. By blending these two elements together, we are able to provide high school students with the support and guidance they need to succeed after high school in whatever pathway they choose. Over 10,000 students are participating in this program across the country, many through other BBBS agencies. Positive outcomes include educational success, increased graduation rates and students gaining the confidence to plan for what comes after high school. Furthermore, students find themselves entering adulthood better connected to their community. Who do you know that would be a great mentor to a student? Does your company have an employee-giving program that allows volunteer time? This program is a flexible opportunity for individuals to make a meaningfully difference. By blending technology and mentoring, matches interact on a weekly basis through a digital app following guided discussions and then, get together in-person at the school once a month. BBBSNH’s professional staff is also there to support you and your match along the way. Since COVID, the number of volunteer inquires is significantly down yet, the number of youth in need of a mentor is steadily increasing. 4 hours a month is all it takes and we are happy to answer any questions you might have about the process. Reply to this email or go to our website www.bbbsnh.org to get started. Enjoy your day,
Stacy W. Kramer, CEO