Where the Money Goes
During the summer of 2012, the board undertook a complete review of the funding process, from what types of Agencies were being funded to, how their mission statements aligned with those of the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction. We welcomed the opportunity to utilize some of the resources of the United Way in analyzing the Auction's historical track record. We discovered that over the years, we have consistently funded organizations that did align with the mission of the Auction and that they fell generally into four different categories.
To efficiently fund local nonprofit organizations that provide basic needs to area children. This will include but not limited to food, clothing, shelter, Christmas gifts and hygienic needs.
To efficiently fund those non-profit organizations that work to eliminate or mitigate the need for basic and extended services for children.
To efficiently fund those capital initiatives that improves the lives of children or enhances the ability of agencies to deliver their services.
To efficiently fund those agencies that have an Educational/Recreational aspect to provide children in the Lakes Region, in which the child may not be able to afford elsewhere.
The Distribution Committee is comprised of community members and members from the Board of Directors. Working with this distribution model, the committee reviews applications and submits recommendations to the Board of Directors for final approval and distribution.
Organizations We Support
Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire
Boys and Girls Club of Central NH
CADY, Communities for Alcohol and Drug-Free Youth
CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates
Central NH Foster & Adoptive Parent Association
Child and Family Services of NH
Greater Lakes Child Advocacy Center
HealthFirst Family Care Center
Holderness Recreational Department
Laconia Historical and Museum Society
Lakes Region Advantage Kids Tennis
Lakes Region Cancer Support Team
Lakes Region Child Care Services
Lakes Region Community Developers
Lakes Region Community Services Family Resource Center
Lakes Region Disabled Sports at Gunstock
Lakes Region Mental Health Center
Lakes Region Youth Hockey Association
Little Antlers Learning Center
New Beginnings - Without Violence and Abuse
North Woods Overnight Camps for Boys & Pleasant Valley Overnight Camps for Girls
Plymouth State University – TIGER
Powerhouse Theatre Collaborative
Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center
Santa Fund of the Greater Lakes Region
St. Vincent de Paul Children’s Foundation
Tapply Thompson Community Center
Tilton-Northfield Sanbornton Christmas Fund
Whole Village Family Resource Center